The Community Festival this year is calling all organisers in Shefford to ask – can you organise an event or activity? Have you ever said “I’d like to do ……” but couldn’t find it in Shefford? How about using the Community Festival as a base to get started? Have you recently moved into the town and have a particular hobby/expertise that you would like to share?
Many signature events in Shefford have come from individuals or small groups in the town who thought “I’d like to do……..something” and then did it.

From my awareness, good examples include:- The Garage Sale Trail, Art Exhibition, The Scarecrow Festival, Craft Fairs at the STMA, STMA Family Day, Well Being Walks, Greenspace Conservation, Christmas Lights, the Plastic Free Shefford initiative.
Plus a variety of others including the History Group and all the health and exercise classes from Tai Chi to Line Dancing. Then there are some events that we have sadly lost– like Revs and Rhythms and the Guy Fawkes bonfire night that have each left a large gap to be filled.

Lesley Whiteman presents a cheque from the Garage Sale Trail to Laura Morris of the Shefford Christmas Lights committee.
To get you started – can you organise a coffee morning for your favourite charity? A car boot stall in your garden/driveway? – a chat group in your favourite café? – a market stall, a craft stall? – a free taster session? – an open day at your business? – a guided/history walk? – a pub or café quiz session? Do you have a passion for a way to improve your community?
Is there something you would like to do and just need a few like-minded friends to make it happen – maybe quilting, pottery painting, a men’s group or something to support the Christmas Lights group?
Joining in with The Shefford Community Festival is a great way to get something started!
Good luck and do be sure to contact me on 07860 218334 or [email protected] then when you have a plan please let me have the details by registering on our website at